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Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

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If you don't find the map you need at downloads page, you can collaborate to support the addition of the map by making a donation, to collect the necessary amount of money. Don't forget to specify the map you want to support when making your donation, or send me a mail telling the country. Once the target amount (35 €) is reached I compromise on making the map available in a maximun of one week and keep it updated.

Up to date, maps on the following table have been requested. Maps that have received some donation are marked in bold and maps already available in green.

Progress of maps that have recieved some donations is shown below:

You can leave your comments on this page below:

Comments (69)

Topic: +Maps
4/5 (29)
BB (Amman, jordan)
Need map for Jordan
Please see
15th April 2014 3:24pm
Ab (Australia, australia)
Hi I have a eTrex 20 Garmin and am going cycling in France and Switzerland. Could you provide the detailed maps of these tow countries downloadable to Garmin?. Please let me know the cost too. Thanks Ab
Answered at your email
7th April 2014 10:37am
NTAKARUTIMANA (Burundi, burundi)
j'ai acheté un gps garmin via Jean Michel Parlagneau mais je n'arrive pas à le manupiler je voudrais avoir une carte afrique mais comment faire merci
Si vous vous enregistrez dans ma site, vous pouvez télécharger la carte de toute l'Afrique S'il vous plait, vous pouvez regarder cette page
17th March 2014 4:07pm
alemkere mekonnen (Bahir Dar, ethiopia)
am very glad if you deliver me the contour map of ethiopia.
You can download it from the downloads page
31st December 2013 12:09pm
Nigel England (UK, uk)
Hi Carlos, Can you produce a topographic map of Sweden please - i have made a donation of the full "target amount" :-) PayPal Confirmation number: 8AK95334PN333350L Many thanks Nige.
Sure, I have already started preparing it
11th July 2013 12:01pm
Page 13 of 14

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