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Rural map

Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

Urban map

Registered Users

By paying at least € (+ VAT where applicable) you will have the possibility to register on for a whole year (once your subscription expires you'll have the option to renew it for another year for only € if you renew it within 10 days). You’ll have unlimited downloads while subscribed. With this contribution, you collaborate to keep this site and make possible to add new maps and improve their quality. If you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor, that is, if you regularly contribute data to OpenStreetMap, the required amount in order to register is only €.

In addition, as a registered user you'll be able to access exclusive extra content, such as the maps of full continents like Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania or South America or the map of the USA, Canada and Russia. You'll also have priority in getting support via page comments or e-mail.

How to register?

In order to register, follow these steps:

You can leave your comments on this page below:

Comments (825)

Topic: Registered Users
4/5 (533)
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Kwaku Afriyie (Accra, Ghana)
i need dem
3rd February 2025 1:52pm
Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarEmpty Star
mauricio quiros (panamá, Panama)
¿Hay alguna manera de obtener un mapa de Panamá? es de los únicos paises de América que no tiene mapa para los Garmin.
26th December 2024 7:20am
Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
Peter Jr Aulatjut (Arviat, Canada)
hello, am i able to sign up, im from arviat nunavut canada!
If you register you can sing up, of course
17th December 2024 8:50pm
Marco Ahumada (Poway, US)
I am waiting for the login/registration email. Please see Order 118691438 dated Nov 10 2024. thanks
I have sent you several mails since you made your subscription. Your account is active, you can login when you want.
4th December 2024 12:11am
Marco Ahumada (Poway, US)
Hi, I have searched my inbox and spam folder with no luck. I need a login name to recover the password. I tried to force a login and I was informed after repeated attempts that an email was sent to recover my password. However, I cannot find an email from you. I sent an email to with no reply.
I have replied all your mails. Some of them were rejected, but after resending from a different email address they were sent correctly and you should have received them. I have requested a new password for you: 50f2f9080e2d110 Try to log in with it and change it.
6th December 2024 12:42am
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