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Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

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If you don't find the map you need at downloads page, you can collaborate to support the addition of the map by making a donation, to collect the necessary amount of money. Don't forget to specify the map you want to support when making your donation, or send me a mail telling the country. Once the target amount (35 €) is reached I compromise on making the map available in a maximun of one week and keep it updated.

Up to date, maps on the following table have been requested. Maps that have received some donation are marked in bold and maps already available in green.

Progress of maps that have recieved some donations is shown below:

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Comments (68)

Topic: +Maps
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Isshay (australia, australia)
Hi Im looking for map of Vietnam to for my Garmin 800
It is available at the download page
11th March 2015 9:21am
alex (us, guatemala)
I searched your site for a map download for Guatemala, but did not find one. Will you be producing this map in the future? Thanks.
Guatemala is already included in the Central America map
1st March 2015 5:09am
ahmed (Milano, algeria)
Sto cercando mappe algeria tunisia, qualcuno mi aiuta per favore. Grazie
4th February 2015 10:52pm
zaki2710 (Blida, algeria)
I need map for algeria 2014 or 2015
Please check available maps at download section before asking for a map.
21st January 2015 10:21am
stephen sklarow (usa (today quito), china)
What do you think about a topo of China??
There are two options for a topo of China. You can register and then download all of Asia map, select parts of it you are interested in and send to device. Second option is to sponsor the map of China. Due to the big size of the map it could take more than one week to prepare it dough.
3rd December 2014 12:43am
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