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Rural map

Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

Urban map

What can you do with the maps?

Maps can be installed on Garmin GPS's, as routable maps that will give you turn by turn instructions to go to a given place (depending on device's specifications). It can also be seen in your computer, where you can calculate your routes, using MapSource or BaseCamp Garmin software, or the open source programs QLandkarte GT or QMapShack. With the topographic maps you can also calculate profiles for your routes.

Viewing the maps in your computer:

  • Linux: you can use Qlandkarte GT, its sucessor QMapShack or MapEdit++ (the latter is for Windows, but works fine under wine). You can also use MapSource with wine and load maps running the auto-install file (wine OpenStreetMap_*.exe) or copying *.gmap folder into .wine/drive_c/ProgramData/GARMIN/Maps/

  • Windows: maps can be used with the open source programs Qlandkarte GT, its sucessor QMapShack or MapEdit++ or with Garmin software MapSource or BaseCamp.

    In order to load maps in MapSource or BaseCamp, you just have to run the file named «OpenStreetMap_*.exe» and follow wizard steps. It is important not to change installation path (typically C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Maps in Windows 10), otherwise BaseCamp will not be able to read map.

  • Mac: you will need Garmin programs BaseCamp (to open maps, plan routes, etc.) and MapInstall and MapManager (to send maps to GPS) installed in your system. To see the maps on BaseCamp you must proceed as follows:

    • Open the file you have downloaded in a “Finder“ window. Within it, you'll find a folder called “OpenStreetMap Country Type.gmap“.
    • In another “Finder“ window, go to “Applications“, right click on “Garmin BaseCamp“ icon and select “Show Package Contents” option.
    • “Contents“ folder will show up and, within it, “Resources“ folder. Move “OpenStreetMap Country Type.gmap“ folder into “Resources“. Once done, map will be ready to be used in BaseCamp.

Installing the maps in a GPS:

  • First of all, download file for GPS of the country you want from Downloads page and unzip it. You'll get a file called gmapsupp.img. The easiest way to have the map in your Garmin device is copying file gmapsupp.img in the external SD/micro SD card of the device, within a folder called «Garmin» (create it if it doesn't exist); in some models gmapsupp.img file must be copied into «Map» folder instead of «Garmin» folder (note «Map» folder may be hidden). This method is also recommeded because in case of any problem with the map, removing the card and restarting device will be enough to solve it. To copy it use a card reader (faster) or connect your device to the computer with a suitable cable, in 'Mass storage' mode (slower).

    Once copied, switch on the GPS, go to Settings>Map>Map Info and enable OpenStreetMap map. The way to activate the map varies from one model to other:

nüvi 300:

Entering map setup on nüvi
Under Map Setup, enter Map Info

Legend HCx:

Enabling map on nüvi
Check OpenStreetMap map to activate it

Entering map setup on Legend HCx
Enter Map Setup

Enabling map on Legend HCx
You have to activate each tile

  • If you don't have an external card, you can use any of the free programs sendMap or Qlandkarte; you can also use MapSource or BaseCamp from Garmin. In the last cases, you first have to load the map in MapSource/BaseCamp as explained above.

Using on Android devices:

If you want to see maps from this site on your Android mobile device, you can use OruxMaps app. For that, follow the steps below:

  • Download file for GPS of the country you want from Downloads page and unzip it. You'll get a file called gmapsupp.img. You can change the name to something more descriptive, such as MyCountry.img.
  • Copy that file into OruxMaps maps folder, by default oruxmaps/mapfiles/.
  • Open OruxMaps app, click on «Switch map» button and select previously saved file.
  • Map setup in OruxMaps

  • For a better visualization of maps, it is recommeded to go Global settings->Maps->Garmin maps settings, and uncheck Wpt labels background, Polygon labels background and Line labels background boxes.
  • Garmin maps settings in OruxMaps

  • Note: these maps are not routable on OruxMaps.

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Comments (87)

Topic: Use
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Stefano (birillo, Italy)
Dopo aver scaricato la mappa vado ad eseguire il file exe (windows) ma aprendo basecamp 4.7.1 non viene vista ... c'è solo quella globale. La nuova mappa viene installata in una cartella in c:/programdata
e non viene letta.
All'interno della cartella ProgramData deve esserci un'altra cartella chiamata GARMIN e all'interno di quest'altra chiamata Maps. Quest'ultimo è il punto in cui la mappa dovrebbe essere installata.
In caso di problemi, vi suggerisco di installare qualsiasi altra mappa (una diversa) e di guardare il percorso selezionato dall'installatore automaticamente, senza cambiare nulla. Ecco dove dovrebbero essere le mappe.
22nd February 2020 12:15am
Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarEmpty Star
Ernesto oliveira (LEIRIA, Portugal)
boas tardes

estes mapas dão para o garmin edge 830 ?
qual o mapa com melhor definição de caminhos.

Sim, são bons para Edge 830. Para ciclismo recomendo o mapa base. A topografia é mais difícil de interpretar em uma tela pequena.
4th November 2019 6:40pm
Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarFull Star
re welch (Aelington TX, US)
update road map western us
12th October 2019 2:58am
Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarEmpty Star
hola, buenas tardes. Estoy intentando descargarme marreucos con el topografico y con curvas de nivel. Como hay que proceder para que en el mapa aparezca toda la informacion con las curvas de nivel
pd. en cuanto pueda me quiero descargar africa completa con curvas de nivel y todo lo demas. caunto pesa el fichero y caunto cuesta la donacion
Para ver las curvas de nivel en los mapas topográficos en tu ordenador debes instalar por separado el archivo de las curvas y luego al instalar el mapa general , marcar la opción correspondiente cuando te lo pida el asistente de instalación. Si descargas el archivo para copiar directamnte al GPS ya incluye las curvas.
El mapa de África ocupa unos 2 GB, más otros 3 GB de las curvas
Para registrarte debes ingresar 18 €
22nd September 2019 11:48am
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