Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap
If you don't have an account and want to create one, follow the steps below:
- Make a payment of at least €. This will give you one year of subscription, with unlimited downloads. If you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor, that is, if you regularly contribute data to OpenStreetMap, the required amount in order to register is only €.
Choose the best for you of the following options:
- If you pay by Transfer, Send me a mail about your payment. If you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor, put your OpenStreetMap user name in the mail. As soon as I receive the mail I'll give you access to the register form.
- Fill in your data in the register page and wait for your account activation.
- Once I have activated your account, I'll send you a message. Then you'll be able to access the download of the extra maps.
- Registration process is usually completed in less than 24 h, but I can't guarantee that. So, if you need any map for an imminent travel, don't wait until last minute.