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Rural map

Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

Urban map


Making the maps you can download from this site and keeping them updated takes a lot of time and dedication. I also spend a great effort completing and fixing OpenStreetMap data, to make the map better each day. Downloads are free, but I think it's fair to give something back, so I ask you to donate now. If you want to give your support to help maintaining and improving this service, you can donate any monetary amount. I will thank you even if it is small.

You can donate using the best for you of the following options:

Thank you very much for your collaboration!

You can leave your comments on this page below:

Comments (61)

Topic: Donations
4/5 (28)
Ngamariju (Nigeria, nigeria)
Good thing to do Admin. I downloaded the OSM for NIgeria but dosent work on my NUvi 1300. kindly help pls
Could you provide more details on how do you installed the map? Did you follow instructions from "Using the maps" section?
13th January 2015 10:13pm
Vikki (traveling Pan-American highway, usa)
Thanks for this great service. I donated 25 euro and look forward to using the map service. I hope I can figure it out since I"m not very internet say...LOL
Thanks for your donation. I have sent you a mail with registration information.
13th December 2014 6:43pm
Ueli Streuli (CH-9500 Wil SG, switzerland)
Used your Chile map recently. Great Job, really appreciate your work, therefore my donation!
11th December 2014 9:52am
sakari Heyno (finland, finland)
donated 16 E, traveling to West Africa
9th October 2014 8:41am
Page 9 of 13

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