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Using big size maps

Some maps, such as the one of whole Europe or United States of America, exceed the size admited by the installer (2 GB) or even memory cards (4 GB), so installation, and specially transfer to GPS device, requires several steps that are detailed below.

Installing maps on the computer:

  • Linux: process is quite similar to the one described at Using the maps. The only difference is that downloaded file is a zip file and after uncompressing it you get several files called If you have wine installed on your system, you can then run the installer (file OpenStreetMap_Country.exe). Otherwise, you'll need to also uncompress files

    Uncompressed files Linux

  • Windows: first step is uncompressing downloaded file. Any unzipping tool can be used, but some users have reported problems when using Windows built-in unzipping tool. In case of problems, it is recommended to use 7-zip to uncompress zip files.

    After uncompressing you'll have something like this:

    Uncompressed files Windows

    Next you just have to run the installer (file OpenStreetMap_Country.exe) and follow wizard steps.


  • Mac: the process is the same as described at Using the maps.

Sending maps to GPS:

Memory cards file system has a limit regarding maximum file size allowed. This limit is 4 GB, so it is not possible to install whole Europe map in a single file. So it is necessary to select which parts of the map you want to have in your device and send them to the GPS without exceeding that limit. In the following section the way to accomplish this is described, using free Garmin software MapSource or BaseCamp (MapInstall). If our device is able to read several maps at the same time (see FAQ), after transferring one part of the map we can rename the file created in our device and repeat process to send a new area.

  • MapSource: once the map is installed, start MapSource and activate the map:

    Activate OSM map MapSource

    Next you must select tiles you want to send to device, using MapSource Map tool. Check total size of all tiles doesn't exceed 4 GB:

    Select tiles MapSource

    Finally, mapset must be sent to device:

    Send mapset

  • BaseCamp: along with BaseCamp another program called MapInstall is installed. That's the one we'll use to send maps to device. Open MapInstall and activate Europe map, as shown in the image below:

    Activate OSM map BaseCamp

    Next you must select the tiles you want to send to the device by left clicking on them (right click to deselect), having into account that total size is lower than 4 GB (or the free space in the memory card):

    Select tiles BaseCamp

    Once tiles are selected, click Continue button and finally click Install.

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Topic: Big Maps
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Larry Butler (Newtown Square, US)
I should have said: Is it possible create a .img file from part of a map without using MapSource or BaseCamp? That is, to create a .img on Linux.
MapSource or BaseCamp are the easiest ways on Windows. MapSource can be used on Linux under Wine (that's how I use it). You can also use mkgmap, but it requires learning how to use its command line instructions. And you can also use GMapTool. It has a user inferface and also command line.
22nd January 2020 2:45am
Larry Butler (Newtown Square, US)
It doesn't seem to be possible to install MapSource or BaseCamp under wine.

Anyway, I have moved to Windows to make it simpler. I installed OpenStreetMap_USA_Topo.exe but Basecamp doesn't show any new maps.

Would it be possible for you to produce a few .img files for regions of Europe or USA with contour lines? The reason I decided to make a contribution was because I wanted to simply download a .img file without having to make it myself.
I answer you by email
24th January 2020 8:59pm
Ricci (Rostrenen, France)
I have built the map I need in MapSource but, it can't find the Garmin. The computer sees it as a drive though Wine programs apparently don't. Any and all ideas much appreciated.
In a terminal open winecfg, then go to Units tab. If your device doesn't appear click Autodetect, then Show advanced and select Diskette type. Finally go back to MapSource-Find device and your GPS should be there
18th June 2019 11:44am
Emily Thomas (UK)

I'v no doubt i am being very stupid, but having read the "how to install Europe/Big Maps" section, I still can't see where to download the actual files from. The GPS maps section just says to read the note at the bottom. Where do i download the large file?


Hello Emily
You must log in and then go to Extra downloads section
11th May 2019 8:20pm
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