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Maps with Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Information: a Digital Elevation Model is a file which contains information about land height in each point of the map. Garmin maps format can include a DEM, so that a hill shading like in the image below can be shown.

Map with DEM
Hill shading in a map with DEM

Map without DEM
The same area without DEM

It is also possible with a DEM to see maps in 3D on BaseCamp and devices with such option (Oregon 600 for example).

3D view on BaseCamp
3D view on BaseCamp

3D view on Oregon
3D view on Oregon

Additionally, maps with DEM are able to calculate vertical profil of routes created in a computer or in a GPS device (if the model has such capability).

Track profile

If you have any comment about maps with DEM downloaded from this site, you can write it below:

Comments (15)

Topic: DEM_en
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Reski (Bengkayang, Indonesia)
sangat bagus
23rd November 2024 3:48pm
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Baptiste (France)

Would you care to share how you integrate DEM info into map files ? I've downloaded Copernicus data (EU DEM Data) which are GeoTIFF files, but couldn't find how to 1. convert them to HGT format (used by mkgmap) and 2. I suppose there is some extra preparation before running it with mkgmap ?

Maybe some script examples could help :)
You can convert GeoTiff to hgt using gdal, running the following command in the folder you have them:
for i in *.tif ; do gdal_translate -strict -q -eco -of SRTMHGT $i `basename $i tif`hgt ; done ; rm -f *.hgt.aux.xml
FIles used by mkgmap must have a given size. If your files don't have this size you'll have to cut/join them. I suggest you have a look at mkgmap help for more info (java -jar mkgmap --help)
19th December 2021 12:30pm
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Jan Kaper (Holland)
I've downloaded the Europe map with DEM. I installed it and can use it in Garmin Basecamp. However when I want to install (part of) a map to my device, Garmin Etrex I cannot select the Europe map as a source to select the parts of the total map that I would like to send to my device.

I can't do it from Basecamp and neither can do it by opening MapInstall seperately.
It's very estrange. If you can see the map in BaseCamp, it means it recongizes map correctly and it should be available to select in MapInstall. I guess you have other maps installed. If you use maps from other source may be there's some conflict between maps, but it is not probable.
15th June 2021 9:07pm
Jan Kaper (Holland)
I have some older OSM based maps installed (2016 versions) on my D:// drive in a folder. I could only get the DEM map to show in Basecamp by installing it along the path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\BaseCamp\Maps To test things further, I installed Basecamp on my laptop completely fresh. It installs with a basic world map, which also installed in the program files directory as shown above. I then installed the Europe DEM map on the laptop, using the installer's default path: ... Read More
16th June 2021 9:55pm
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