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Maps for Garmin based on OpenStreetMap

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Maps with Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Information: a Digital Elevation Model is a file which contains information about land height in each point of the map. Garmin maps format can include a DEM, so that a hill shading like in the image below can be shown.

Map with DEM
Hill shading in a map with DEM

Map without DEM
The same area without DEM

It is also possible with a DEM to see maps in 3D on BaseCamp and devices with such option (Oregon 600 for example).

3D view on BaseCamp
3D view on BaseCamp

3D view on Oregon
3D view on Oregon

Additionally, maps with DEM are able to calculate vertical profil of routes created in a computer or in a GPS device (if the model has such capability).

Track profile

If you have any comment about maps with DEM downloaded from this site, you can write it below:

Comments (15)

Topic: DEM_en
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Jonas (Germany)
my edge explore (2018) performs miserable in precalculating elevation for a route. By miserable I mean it's at least 300% off.
Can I fix this by installing your DEM map or is it just the device?

30th May 2021 11:22am
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Alberto (Italy)
Hi! Can you make DEM map of Europe?
Thank you very much!
Hi Alberto
It is in my TODO list, but most probably it will still take some weeks.
4th January 2021 9:56pm
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Felipe (Manizales, Colombia)
Hola. Estoy usando estos mapas en OruxMaps, visualmente son fabulosos. Tengo una duda: Descargue ColombiaDEM pero no veo diferencia alguna con el Mapa Base. No veo el sombreado de las colinas. Hay algún impedimento para verlos en OruxMaps?
La verdad es que no lo he probado, pero seguramente OruxMaps no "lee" la capa que contiene la información sobre alturas del DEM, necesaria para diburar el sombreado. Creo que si consultas en algún foro de OruxMaps o a su desarrollador te podrán confirmar.
18th May 2020 4:13am
Felipe (Manizales, Colombia)
Yo uso OruxMaps con DEM en formato .hgt y DEM + Hdr, con estos archivos puedo sombrear los MapsForge y los gmapsupp.img. y puedo imitar o emular el sombreado de Garmin visto en la imagen de arriba. Pero el resultado es algo más tosco.
Los Topo muestran perfectamente las curvas de nivel.
19th May 2020 6:02am
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